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Death: The Ultimate Unifier

Our Meeting Place

A simple yet painful way to recognize our shared humanity is through death—all of us have been touched by death. Perhaps by a car accident, COVID or the flu, cancer, a shooting, or the natural cause of old age… However it occurred, death marked our journey, and we mourned the lost life. Death is our meeting place. It is the equalizer and ultimate unifier.


Once and for all, death eliminates everything we are not. Our spirit returns to the whole, separation ceases to be, and we take nothing with us from Earth. We are equalized by returning to all we ever were, letting go of everything we thought we needed to be, accomplish, or own. None of our stories and labels hold power. They die with us, too.

On one's deathbed, and in death, occupation does not matter. Bank accounts, shoes, houses, lifestyle, social media following—all are meaningless in the face of death. They were not the reason for being, rather, a byproduct of how we chose to be. In death, hierarchy dies, too—nothing makes us more or less than our neighbor. We are all equals in the face of death.


Unifying because no one is immune.

Unifying because our pride, self-righteousness, and desire to be right are powerless in light of death.

Unifying because we do not want to be better than someone or have more (perceived) power than them; instead, we just want to be with them.

Unifying because we finally understand one life is not worth more than the next.

There is no "us vs. them" in our shared humanity, and in Spirit—there is only an us. And in us, we are unified.

Unified and Equalized, in Death, we meet.

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